Work Smarter, Not Harder By Going Paperless

How Drivers and Operators in the Transport Industry can utilise technology and leave paper behind

Ellen Quirke
4 min readAug 4, 2021
Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash

While most write off the slogan “work smarter, not harder” as a way for millennials to get out of doing hard work, in reality, it actually makes a lot of sense. I know you are all collectively shaking your heads thinking “so says the millennial” but hear me out.

We don’t need to look at it as putting in less effort, but rather that every effort we do put in has a purpose and a positive outcome. Why would someone want to spend 8 hours digging a single hole by hand with a shovel when they could get 8 holes dug using a digger in the same amount of time?

At Logmate we believe that we can apply those same principles to the management of compliance and operations in the Transportation Industry. Why should Drivers and Operators still be spending excessive time and resources dealing with paper-heavy manual processes when the same, if not exponentially better, results can be achieved with technology?

The simple answer is, they shouldn’t.

In this post, I want to share with you the ways that you can work smarter, not harder by going paperless with Logmate.

1. Health And Safety



Ellen Quirke

Living a sustainable life and writing about my experience. Based in Auckland, New Zealand. Get my free sustainability eGuide